Background: Dentists are not common subjects within reality TV. When presented in film, the overall impression has been reported to be negative. The British reality TV show ‘Embarrassing Bodies’ includes within its format, cases where complex and extensive dental treatment is presented. This analysis examines how these cases frame dentistry, as a rare example of the profession and its activities upon the small screen. Methods: 14 dental cases from the show were located and transcribed. Semiotic and thematic analysis was used to explore the deeper and hidden meanings and signs within the cases. This developed understanding of the implications of the show upon the public presentation of dentistry, oral health and disease, patients and dental professionals. Results: Five distinct themes were identified within the corpus of cases; Professional Values and Portrayal of Cosmetic Dentistry; The Presentation of Oral Health and Disease; Dental Physiognomy; Dentistry as Empowerment and Unequal Professional Relationships. Conclusions: ‘Embarrassing Bodies’ portrays a presentation of dentistry that focuses disproportionately upon restorative dental interventions, especially cosmetic dental therapies, in preference to preventative treatment. Dental disease is presented in a way that associates oral health conditions with dirt and as being caused by neglect and carelessness. Keywords: Dentistry, Cosmetics, Media, Reality TV, Public Health