September 2010

Volume 27, Issue 3

The voice of the elderly in accepting alternative perspectives on oral health

Authors: M. Brondani
doi: 10.1922/CDH_2468Brondani06


Background: As we age, the dynamic balance between gains and losses has been acknowledged by current portrayals of health. Oral health research has yet to fully incorporate such dynamism in understanding the impact of oral disorders on the life of elders. Objective: to explore the existence of alternative views on oral health through values, beliefs and behaviors of older adults. Methods: Focus group discussions occurred among 42 men and women between the ages of 64 and 93 years old. Participants were from community and seniors centres and retirement homes. Each discussion lasted for about 90 minutes and was tape-recorded for verbatim transcription. Data were analyzed systematically and comparatively using a thematic approach to explore the depth of opinions and understandings of oral health and disability. Results and Conclusions: Participants shared the acceptance of some oral impairment and disability as an alternative view of a ‘healthy’ mouth as they balanced gains and losses, adjusted expectations, and sought social support. Participants discussed that an edentulous mouth might not always be disruptive to daily functioning for all. As a result, a full set of new dentures may not always be the ultimate goal. Key words: Aging, behaviors, beliefs,focus group, older adults, oral health, perceptions, stress and coping, values


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