September 2010

Volume 27, Issue 3

Child oral health concerns amongst parents and primary care givers in a Sure Start Local Programme

Authors: B. Daly W. Clarke W. McEvoy K. Periam L. Zoitopoulos
doi: 10.1922/CDH_2458Daly05


Aim: To conduct an oral health promotion needs assessment amongst parents and primary care givers of pre-school children in a South East London Sure Start Local Programme (SSLP).Objective: To explore the oral health concerns and oral health literacy with regard to children’s oral health amongst parents and primary care givers in a South East London SSLP. Design: A qualitative study using four indepth focus groups with a purposive sample of 20 participants. Data were analysed using the framework method. Results: The SSLP was identified as an important source of information, support and social interaction for participants. Participants rated the informal networks of the programme as equally authoritative as other formal sources of information. Oral health concerns included: introducing healthy eating, establishing tooth brushing, teething and access to dental care. While participants had adequate knowledge of how to prevent oral disease they cited many barriers to acting on their knowledge which included: parents’ tiredness, lack of confidence in parenting skills, confusing information, widespread availability of sugary foods and drinks, and lack of local child friendly dentists. Parenting skills and the social support provided by the SSLP appeared to be integral to the introduction of positive oral health behaviours. Conclusions: SSLPs were seen as a trusted source of support and information for carers of pre-school children. Integration of oral health promotion into SSLPs has the potential to tap into early interventions which tackle the wider support needs of carers of pre-school children while also supporting the development of positive oral health behaviours. Key words: Oral health promotion, pre-school children, qualitative research methods, Sure Start Local Programme.


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